Stay Aware

Corona-meter India





Avoid Hand Shakes Follow the tradition of joining hands to avoid any kind of contact, even with your close friends and family. It's safe for both of you.
Wash Your Hands Use any soap or handwash to wash your hands for atleast 20 seconds. The duration doesn't matter much but do it properly, cleaning every edge.
2m | 6ft
Maintain Social Distancing Maintain atleast 3 feet distance from other people. 6 feet distance is the optimal one and staying at home is the best option
Wear a Face Mask Wear a mask always when you move out of your home, with no gaps near the nose and neck. Don't hang them around your chin. Wear it PROPERLY.
cover your nose
Cover your Nose Cover your mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing, preferably with an handkerchief or a cloth. If you dont have one, cover it with your arm.
Follow all
Follow All Precautions Follow all the precautions mentioned. Failing to do even one of them is an invitation to Coronavirus, a virus which causes COVID-19. Follow all guidelines issued by the Government






Breathing problems

Difficulty in Breathing

Loss of Sense

Loss of sense of Taste or Smell

Some other symptoms which are not quite relevant in India are:

  • 1. Body Pain
  • 2. Covid Toes
  • 3. Chills and/or Repeated Shaking with Chills


First of all, If you develop COVID-19 Symptoms, immediately report it to a concerned medical practitioner. The more you delay, the more you suffer. Don't experiment on remedies you hear from others unless told by doctors. Completely isolate yourself in such cases and don't let anyone touch you for checking fever or something else. Doctors have special protective gears and equipments for doing so.

5G does not spread COVID-19 COVID-19 is spread through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks or when people touch a contaminated surface through their eyes, nose and mouth. Viruses cannot travel on radio waves/mobile networks.
Alcohol is not a cure Drinking Alcohol does not cure COVID-19. Methanol which is rumoured to be effective is actually poisonous and deadly. Consumption of Alcohol is injurious to health and can cause other serious problems
AntiBiotics cannot cure COVID-19 COVID-19 is caused due to a virus, and not a bacteria. Antibiotics are effective against bacterias, not viruses. Only those people who develop some bacterial infection are given Antibiotics under medical examination.
Face Masks do not reduce Oxygen Levels The prolonged use of medical masks can be uncomfortable. However, it does not lead to CO2 intoxication nor oxygen deficiency. Make sure it fits properly and that it is tight enough to allow you to breathe normally. Do not re-use a disposable mask and change it as soon as it gets damp.
Vitamin C
Consuming Vitamin-C Tablets Vitamin-C tablets not at all render people immune to COVID-19. Infact excess Vitamin C levels in your body can have various side effects. Follow your regular healthy diet and avoid taking any such supplements unless told by medical practitioners. They can be fatal.
Holding your breath for 10 seconds The myth is that If you can hold your breath for 10 seconds, you don't have COVID-19 infection. However, almost 80% of the cases are asymptomatic, they don't have any symptoms. Also, not everyone suffering from COVID-19 can have breathing problems. Also, not everyone who has breathing problems have COVID-19.

For more Myth-Busters, refer WHO Official Site

Source: WHO, TheLogicalIndian, TheTimesOfIndia